Several Content Types Hated by Yahoo


Several Content Types Hated by Yahoo 
Wavin BloggerAs we know, Yahoo is one of the largest search engines other than Google and MSN. Though currently dominated by the search engines Google, but still only a few search engines like Yahoo is still the choice of many people. Unfortunately, not all web pages contain useful information for users.

Some pages are created deliberately to trick the search engines just for personal gain. There is excessive in its keyword (either repeated or set the size of the letters), some are far from the quality. Such sites are categorized as a spam.

Here are Several Content Types hated by Yahoo:

1. Pages that harm accuracy, diversity, or relevance of search results.

2. The page dedicate to redirect users to another page.

3. Pages that offer substantially the same content.

4. Pages that rely heavily on links to other content, such as affiliate content.

5. Sites with many hosts, virtual host is not necessary.

6. Pages in bulk, or of little value (cookie-cutter pages)

7. Pages that use text or hidden links.

8. Pages provided by search engines different content that is presented to end users (cloaking)

9. Sites linked to many other sites link to the advertiser's site which clearly his popularity (link schemes)

10. Pages built primarily for search engines or pages with excessive keywords.

11. Misuse or use of competitor or brand names are not accurate.

12. Sites that use pop-ups, install malware, or that could interfere with user navigation.

13. The page that contains the fraud, or falsehood of the user experience.
